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A big portion of the estimated 39 trillion microbial cells in the human body reside in your gut. These friendly bacteria are vital to our well being. Their imbalances can contribute to the development of all kinds of disease, such as food allergies, skin eruptions, inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndromes, autoimmune illnesses and toxic overload.

Therefore, our team has developed several yogurt recipes which target specific dysfunctions using latest researched bacteria strains. The prolonged fermentation times and adding prebiotic fibers increase bacterial counts from the few millions in conventional yogurt to hundreds of billions (See chart below). Higher bacterial count generally yields greater biological and therapeutic effects. They are not available anywhere except in your own kitchen!

Bacteria strains in yogurt recipe #1 produce good mood, make you less anxious and happy. Bacteria strains in yogurt starter #2 help decrease inflammation which is the mother of all chronic diseases. Finally, bacteria strains in yogurt formula #3 strengthen your gut which is the foundation of a strong immune system.

A. Ingredients
Starter capsules
2 tablespoons prebiotic fiber (as per above table)1 litre half-and-half or other liquid such as whole milk, goat milk. Half-and-half yields the best thick and creamy texture. (Can also use plant-source milk such as coconut, almond. Avoid preservatives, emulsifiers or other undesirable ingredients. Guar gum is okay. Preheat the non-dairy milk to a boil for sterilization. Allow to cool 5 minutes before adding the probiotic powder and prebiotic fiber.)

B. Procedures
In a bowl, open the probiotic capsules and combine the starter powder, prebiotic fiber, small amount of the chosen milk.

Make a slurry to ensure the powder does not clump. Stir until well mixed. Stir in the remaining milk. Cover lightly. Place in your fermenting device and ferment according to the table above for specific temperatures and times.


To make future batches, use 2 tablespoons of curds or whey from a prior batch as the starter.



Daily intake of ½ cup or 4-5oz (120g) of the yogurt for a period of 3 months is generally recommended for results.


“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Hippocrates

Yogurt starters: Formula 1, 2 & 3


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