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Doctor’s note:

This book contains practical information of health principles, clinical pearls of wisdom and effective treatment strategies. It can serve as a valuable guide and inspiration in your quest for health and wellness.

Steward Your Health by Dr. Phoebe Chow (CHINESE)

  • Dr. Phoebe Chow drew on her over 30 years of clinical experience and studies in holistic medicine and proposed a health management science, which encompasses the overall care of body, mind and spirit. Modern medical practice is largely a drug culture of symptom management. She said, "True health is the intersection of physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects of human existence. The key to healing lies in the balance of all these levels, not just taking pills."


    The first part of the book introduces a comprehensive analysis of the cellular and tissue physiology of one’s health status based on common laboratory testing and vital sign measurements called Lumi Test. 


    The second section discusses the seven health principles that this text emphasizes, using the acronym STEWARD, as every person is entrusted to be a steward of their own physical body.


    · S=Sleep

    · T=Toxicity 

    · E=Exercise 

    · W=Water 

    · A=Air

    · R=Rest 



    The last section introduces many interesting but clinically proven naturopathic injection therapies in the fields of bio-oxidation, anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation and rejuvenation.

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